Monday, August 14, 2017, is the first day of school for Pre-K – 12th grade. Students who attended school in the Russellville School District last year are pre-registered.
ELEMENTARY (Kindergarten through 4th Grade)
All students attending Russellville schools in kindergarten through fourth-grade who are new to the district should register as soon as possible beginning Monday, July 24th. Elementary students should register at the school in their zone. Please bring your child’s birth certificate, Social Security card, immunization record, and Medicaid card (if applicable). Kindergarten students must present a recent physical examination record. Office hours for all elementary schools are 8 am – 3:30 pm. Monday through Friday.
Center Valley Elementary is located at 5401 SR 124, and the telephone number is 968-4540; Crawford- 1116 North Parker Road, 968-4677; Dwight - 1300 West Second Place, 968-3967; London - 154 School Street, 293-4241; Oakland Heights - 1501 South Detroit, 968-2084; and Sequoyah - 1601 West 12th Street, 968-2134.
Elementary students who will attend the same school as last year are already pre-registered. Elementary students who have moved within the Russellville School District and will be attending a different elementary school should contact the school attended last year as well as the one to be attended this year.
Classroom assignments for elementary students in kindergarten through fourth grade will be posted on the front doors of the elementary buildings at 4 pm on Monday, August 7th. Supply lists can be found under the documents section on the RSD website. Copies of supply lists are also available at area stores.
Each K-4 school will also be hosting a grade level Parent Night at the beginning of the school year. Important information will be shared during those meetings. Be sure to watch for details.