2017-18 RMS Registration Information

Monday, August 14, 2017, is the first day of school for Pre-K – 12th grade.  Students who attended school in the Russellville School District last year are pre-registered.


The Russellville Middle School is located at 1203 West Fourth Place (west wing of the Middle Grades Complex).  The telephone number is 968-2557.  All students new to the district should register as soon as possible beginning Monday, July 31st.  Office hours are 8 am to noon and 1- 4 pm Monday through Friday.

Students who attended Russellville School District last year are pre-registered and may pick-up their schedules on Thursday, August 3, 4 - 7 pm and Friday, August 4, from 9 am – 3 pm in the RMS Cafeteria. The office will be open during the noon hour. Parents should accompany their child to ensure paperwork is accurate and complete. Locker assignments will be given when students receive schedules.

The cafeteria manager will also be available on these dates as a convenience to parents and guardians who may wish to deposit money into their child’s meal account prior to the first day of school.