Congratulations to our September student of the month Bristol Passmore and our September staff of the month Monica Childers!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Student of the month
Staff of the Month
Smart Start Mondays are going well! From 7:45-8:45, teachers are meeting in collaborative teams to look at essential standards and data. Students are divided up by grade level and are doing literacy activities on comprehension and vocabulary with our specialists and paraprofessionals.
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
Smart Start
We had a fantastic day at Dwight Elementary with lots of happy children excited to be back together as a school family! Thank you for your patience during dismissal and for following our procedures! It always takes longer in the beginning and will get smoother and faster each day! Tomorrow is regular arrival time! Students can be dropped off at 7:30. School begins at 7:50! See you in the morning! - Mrs. Malin, principal
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Good Day!
Hello Lil Cyclone families! I want to give you some tips for helping us make arrival and dismissal to be the best it can be this year! Smart Start Monday begins tomorrow!  This means regular dropoff will begin at 8:30 and school will begin at 8:50.  If you need early drop off, we will have staff members available for your child at 7:30.  Tuesday through Friday, drop off begins at 7:30 and school begins at 7:50.   When you bring your child to school, stay in your vehicle and pull through our circle drive.  For safety purposes, your child should exit the vehicle on the passenger side.  We will have adults out front to assist your child should they need it.  Parents will not be allowed to walk their child into the building; however, I can assure you that we will take great care of them and help them every step of the way! This year we are asking you not to check your child out early.  In fact, no one can be checked out after 2:50 so that we can ensure a smooth dismissal. At dismissal, car rider parents will pull through the circle drive.  Have your car tag visible to our staff.  Our staff will say your child's name over the walkie talkie and your child will walk out to a colored cone.  A staff member will load your child for you.  If you need to get out of the vehicle, please stay in your car and pull up to the end of the drive before getting out so that our car line can continue moving efficiently. We are looking forward to a great year with our Lil Cyclones! Krista Malin, Principal Dwight Elementary|Russellville School District 1300 West 2nd Place Russellville, Arkansas 72801 479-968-3967
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Tomorrow is the big day and it is our first Smart Start Monday of the year! Regular drop off will begin at 8:30, and school will begin at 8:50! If you need early drop off for your child, staff will be available at 7:30. We communicate in a variety of ways so that you can stay informed. Read below to find out more! We will see our Lil Cyclones in the morning!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
How to stay informed
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! Two more days until our Lil Cyclones are back! We can't wait!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
treats and parties
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! Here are our procedures for visitors to our school. School begins in just 3 more days!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! A new attendance policy is in effect this year district-wide! You can read the full attendance policy here: We look forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher THIS AFTERNOON! Stop by anytime between 4:30-6:00!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! Today's information is about breakfast and lunch. If you are not able to complete the lunch form online, you can do it at Meet the Teacher this Thursday!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
breakfast and lunch
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! Today's information is about car pick up procedures. There are some minor changes for this year! Other ways your child can go home is by daycare van, Boys & Girls Club bus, school bus, or as a walker. If your child is a walker, you can meet them on the other side of the cross walk that leads from our front door or at the stop sign on the corner of West 2nd Place and South Laredo.
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
car pick up procedures
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! Today's information is about morning drop off. We have one week to go!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Morning Drop off
Each day until school starts, we will share information about our most frequently asked questions! We can't wait to see our Lil Cyclones!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
daily schedule
Camp Kindergarten is THIS WEEK and we can't wait to meet our newest Lil Cyclones! If your child is attending kindergarten at Dwight and you haven't signed up for kindergarten camp, there is still time! Give us a call now to sign up! 479-968-3967
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Camp Kindergarten
For our newest Lil Cyclones....Camp Kindergarten will take place on August 2nd and 3rd! Scan the QR code on the flyer or call our office to sign up!
over 1 year ago, Dwight Elementary School
Camp Kindergarten Information
We still have many things in our lost and found at Dwight! It is the final chance to come look and get it! Stop by and look between the hours of 8am-4pm. All items left after Friday, June 9th will be donated.
almost 2 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
lost and found
Our "Light Up Dwight" event was a success! From glow-in-the-dark bowling in the gym to creating a glow-in-the-dark bouncy ball in science--fun was had by everyone!
almost 2 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Light Up Dwight Pictures
Click the link to read an exciting announcement and to see all of our end of year events in our May family newsletter!
almost 2 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Reminder: Our Math and Literacy Event "Light Up Dwight" is tomorrow night from 5:30-7:30. We hope you will join us for food and fun!
almost 2 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Light Up Dwight Clipart
Second grade students in Mrs. Childers' class enjoyed using popsicle sticks to build a variety of shapes during math class! #smallschoolbigheart
almost 2 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Popsicle Stick Math
Popsicle Stick Math
Popsicle Stick Math
Popsicle Stick Math
Popsicle Stick Math
Popsicle Stick Math
Popsicle Stick Math
Our "Light Up Dwight" family night is coming up on Thursday, May 11. This will be an evening full of food, fun, and learning! We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Dwight Elementary School
Light up Dwight Flyers
Light up Dwight Flyer